Sunday, 5 June 2011

A Little About The Below 3 Stories

The below 3 stories are, I guess, a tiny trilogy. Each about the vastness within single short periods of time. Minutes stretching out to seem a lot longer. Hours becoming weeks. Stuff like that. Each was planted in my head by a song I was listening to and coupled with old conversations I had with people about thought and theories I have at one point or another grappled with. Loneliness, The value of life today and in the first story Death and what that means to me. I am really aware reading them now that they are filled with literary problems. But every journey needs its jumping off point right? … let me know what you think.


1 comment:

  1. Hey Matt

    I read one of your stories. It is well written. Develop your own style, build up a collection and I'll show you how to publish them for free on Keep the ink flowing. Rob
